

Trigger Warning: This video contains graphic scenes depicting alcohol and drug use, which may be traumatic for some viewers.

Holly Alec's story is the second of two films we created for St'at'imc Outreach Health Services in conjunction with the Lillooet Tribal Council. The purpose of this project is to educate and inform young people about the possible causes and dangers associated with drug and alcohol addiction.

We are in awe of the courage and strength Holly Alec exhibited while sharing her story for this project. Telling one’s personal story is never easy, especially when it involves revisiting traumatic events or memories from the past. We are so proud of Holly for putting herself in this vulnerable position, because ultimately her story may help or possibly save someone’s life.


TW (Trigger Warning): this video contains graphic scenes depicting drug use and addiction, which may be traumatic for some viewers.

This is the first of two films we created for St'at'imc Outreach Health Services in conjunction with the Lillooet Tribal Council. The purpose of this project is to educate and inform young people about the possible causes and dangers associated with drug and alcohol addiction.

We are in awe of the courage and strength Rocker Brady exhibited while sharing his story for this project. Telling one’s personal story is never easy, especially when it involves revisiting traumatic events or memories from the past. We are so proud of Rocker for putting himself in this vulnerable position, because ultimately his story may help or possibly save someone’s life.

Mission Flats Housing Project VIDEO

Although the topic of homelessness can sometimes be controversial, as a filmmaker I feel very humbled and honoured that I get to tell stories like Rob's. This is a project we created for The City of Kamloops in partnership with BC Housing, Ask Wellness and Horizon North. The story highlights local Kamloops resident Robert Sedore, portraying his battle with homelessness, addiction, and his journey towards recovery and stabilization through a new housing initiative.