City of Kamloops

Kamloops Return To Sport

Sport is starting to return, and we can tell you with 100% certainty that the City of Kamloops and Tourism Kamloops can't wait to welcome you back to the Tournament Capital! How do we know? We had the pleasure of working with both of these organizations, along with various local sports teams and athletes to create the Return to Sport campaign.

With a variety of venues and facilities, and an athletic culture strong enough to withstand the pandemic, Kamloops is ready when you are.

Kamloops Wastewater Treatment Centre

Happy #earthday

The City of Kamloops Wastewater Treatment plant receives enough wastewater to fill 12 Olympic size swimming pools every day. The water is treated and reclaimed in our city’s state of the art facility and used for non-food crop irrigation, golf course irrigation and wildfire suppression.

This video we worked on with the City a few years ago, outlines the whole process from start to finish!


Mission Flats Housing Project VIDEO

Although the topic of homelessness can sometimes be controversial, as a filmmaker I feel very humbled and honoured that I get to tell stories like Rob's. This is a project we created for The City of Kamloops in partnership with BC Housing, Ask Wellness and Horizon North. The story highlights local Kamloops resident Robert Sedore, portraying his battle with homelessness, addiction, and his journey towards recovery and stabilization through a new housing initiative.