Campaign Video

TRU | Fund-A-Need Campaign Video

We are thrilled to hear that Thompson Rivers University's Fund-A-Need campaign for animal simulators has nearly doubled its fundraising goal!

Earlier this year, we were involved in creating the video for this campaign, showcasing TRU's veterinary technician program and aiding in the university’s fundraising efforts towards purchasing valuable simulation equipment for the students.

We absolutely love being involved with meaningful projects like this, and knowing that the stories we tell can have such a positive impact on people, namely the staff and students at TRU.

RIH Foundation | Holiday Campaign Video

Warning: Tear Jerker!

“The nurses and medical staff in the ICU and 5 North saved my life on multiple occasions. Along with the lifesaving care I received, they showed me patience and kindness in my time of greatest need.” - Laura Drennan.

Laura suffered a life threatening Hemorrhagic Stroke in December of 2019 and spent 4.5 months at Royal Inland Hospital. Thankfully, her medical team was relentless in helping her recover and move forward with her life.

We hope you enjoy Laura's remarkable story, and that you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy this holiday season.