RIH Foundation Video

RIH Foundation | Holiday Campaign Video

Warning: Tear Jerker!

“The nurses and medical staff in the ICU and 5 North saved my life on multiple occasions. Along with the lifesaving care I received, they showed me patience and kindness in my time of greatest need.” - Laura Drennan.

Laura suffered a life threatening Hemorrhagic Stroke in December of 2019 and spent 4.5 months at Royal Inland Hospital. Thankfully, her medical team was relentless in helping her recover and move forward with her life.

We hope you enjoy Laura's remarkable story, and that you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy this holiday season.

RIH Grateful Patient | Mike Hartt

This one really hits the heartstrings for the Aspect team.

From the moment we met Mike and his family, we connected instantly. They are such beautiful, positive people, who we were very honoured to get to know and build a friendship with.

This was the first project the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation ever hired Aspect Film Works for, and since that time we have created an outstanding working relationship that we are very grateful for.

When working with the RIH Foundation, there is never a lack of inspiring stories to tell or incredible people to meet. One of the best parts, is highlighting the healthcare heroes in our community.

#SocializeSafely Campaign | Emma Christy

“My name is Emma Christy, I am 23 years old and I recently tested positive for COVID-19”

Interviewing Emma and creating this video made me realize just how easy it is to contract COVID-19. It also reiterated that the guidelines aren’t so much about keeping ourselves safe, but keeping the vulnerable populations within our community safe.

RIH Foundation Gala Video

I am so honoured to share this incredible story, which we had the pleasure of working on with the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation

Mike and his family are truly beautiful people, and we are so grateful to have been given the opportunity to get to know them and to tell their inspiring story.