Royal Inland Hospital Foundation

Thank You Healthcare Heroes

To our healthcare workers, the heartbeat of our community.

Your hard work, your tireless efforts, your willingness to show up day after day to put others before yourselves…it does not go unnoticed and is appreciated beyond measure. We owe you more than we can fathom, and we cannot overcome this pandemic without you.

Thank you, for putting the lives of others before your own, and for persevering even when you are exhausted and feel you have nothing left to give. You are the true meaning of heroes.

RIH Together We Rise Campaign

A few weeks ago we shared some behind the scenes content from a project we’ve been working on with the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation - and here it is! This video is part of the RIH Foundation 'Together We Rise' campaign, in support of the hospital's new patient care tower.

An interesting element to this video is the fact we used real patients and healthcare workers, rather than actors. In addition, we’ve created short films about two of the patients featured in this video, and we’ll be sharing their stories with you over the coming weeks, so stay tuned!


A couple of behind the scenes snaps of us working on an exciting project with the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation that we'll be sharing with you later this month - Stay tuned!

Note my beloved 'sherpa' Kathleen Fisher Photography has upgraded from pulling my equipment around for me, to pulling ME around so I can get those smooth "dolly" shots...what would I do without her?!

Photo credit: Tiffany Christianson Photography

RIH Grateful Patient | Richelle Velestuk

Richelle Velestuk was brave enough to tell her family's story as part of the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation Grateful Patient campaign. A story that showcases the amazing work the team in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Royal Inland Hospital does day in and day out.

The compassion, grace and expertise of the NICU team is relied upon by so many families every year, and this responsibility isn't taken lightly. Thank you to the staff at RIH for all you do, and thank you to the Velestuk family for being brave enough to share your experience with us.

#SocializeSafely Campaign | Emma Christy

“My name is Emma Christy, I am 23 years old and I recently tested positive for COVID-19”

Interviewing Emma and creating this video made me realize just how easy it is to contract COVID-19. It also reiterated that the guidelines aren’t so much about keeping ourselves safe, but keeping the vulnerable populations within our community safe.

RIH Foundation Gala Video

I am so honoured to share this incredible story, which we had the pleasure of working on with the Royal Inland Hospital Foundation

Mike and his family are truly beautiful people, and we are so grateful to have been given the opportunity to get to know them and to tell their inspiring story.